Growing up in the culturally rich town of Abiquiú, Christina was constantly inspired to create. Her inspiration is primarily from the environment surroundings and drawing and painting have been a part of her life since she was a child. New Mexico’s enchanting landscapes, unique architecture, and historical churches serve as the creative catalyst for most of her work. She also enjoys taking photographs of scenic views and flowers, then later transfer these images onto canvas.

Over the years she has become interested in a wider arena of art, experimenting with wood, different mediums of painting, photography, and metalsmithing. She has been perfecting several jewelry techniques, but there is one in particular that she has fully embraced. The patterns created using Mokume Gane (which means “wood-grain metal”) remind her of the beauty that surrounds her and resemble the unique New Mexico geological formations. Inherent in Mokume Gane style is the fact that no two pieces can ever be identical.
